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Events > Project week in León >Day 5

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Intro &
Arrival day

Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Day 5
Friday, 17th of March 2006

Eae Bazar Day 5 Bazar in the morning

- Susanne presented her “Social Paedagog Institution” from Denmark
- Aniceta and Indre presented her NGOEtnokulturos propagavimo centrascentras” from Lithuania
- Birgit presented the Volkshochschule Salzburg from Germany

Portfolio Fair – Time to discuss and compare
At the beginning of the session Laurent stayed with us for a few minutes to listen to our feedback regarding working with our portfolios.
Then we, the participants shared and discussed our portfolios and ended up having interesting discussions about immigration, job market in Europe or generational differences in our countries.

A heard for León

How did you like it? Evaluation Module 2
Alexandra guided us to perform a feedback exercise in which we exposed the positive and negative aspects of Module 2 of pilot course two. We needed to fill a heart drawn on the whiteboard with the good things of our week in León. The heard was full!! We all agreed it was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet face to face all this really nice people!

Don't get moodled

Don’t get Moodled … Intercultural Communication and the Internet
Lili, Marcus and Thomas help us expressing our goals in the computer and on-line area.
People shared their knowledge about on-line cooperation and displayed their aims and wishes for the next module on the Moodle. Lili, Marcus and Thomas promised that they will be there to help us “virtually”.

Surprise Event
Meet León: Surprise Event
The surprise event was kept as a secret up till the very last second … We had a little tour in the "Contemporary Art Museum" of León and the best part: We became artists ourselves by painting some modern art pictures.

A bus took us to an incredibly beautiful restaurant where we had our last dinner together … Laurent was so happy to be back at this restaurant, which count to his favourite restaurants ever. But later we had to say good bye to the participants that could not stay longer and that was sad indeed … although we will have another change to meet in September in Siegburg / Germany!!!

(written by Anais, a participant from Cadiz, Spain)