Teaching Culture!

  TeachingCulture Yahoo Group TeachingCulture Pilot course 2 Bloki Quality in TeachingCulture
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“Teaching Culture!” brings together thirteen partners from nine European countries:
Austria, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Lithuania, Romania, Spain, and Sweden.

The project is developing a training course which aims at enabling teachers in adult education to deal with intercultural issues appropriate to life in the growing European community.

The partners share their expertise in fields ranging from adult education and teacher training to online learning and cultural education.
“Teaching Culture!” focuses on teaching intercultural awareness while also looking at different cultures of teaching and learning.
“Teaching Culture!” is concerned with the development and application, more ...

The project finished in October 2006. If you have any questions, please write to project coordinator Alexandra Haas.

The products of Teaching Culture! can be viewed and downloaded in the products section.

Latest News:
  Intensive week in León - Pilot course 2, intensive week in León / Spain (03.2006)

  Litauen movie - Video about the intensive week in Lithuania (03.2006)

“Teaching Culture!” is a Grundtvig 1 project funded by the European Union.
The Commission is not responsible for the content of the web-site of the
Teaching-Culture! project.
Open the video clip of the final meeting
Video Clip of the final meeting in siegburg

