The project week takes place in Vilnius, the captial of
Lithuania from 22
nd to the 27
th of May 2005.
Participants of the week were the
pilot course one members.
Report 1
“Talk to your hosts – lesson in Lithuanian”

Indres brother is teaching Lithuanian
Contrary to the heading, the lesson started in English. The speaker began with presenting the general facts about Lithuania and its culture (the country's size, number of inhabitants, neighbors etc.). The lesson proceeded with a short visual presentation of the capital Vilnius
(a video clip by Vilnius municipality), after which a short introduction to Lithuanian language was made.
The historical facts about the language were briefly introduced; the participants had an opportunity to get acquainted with the four currently existing dialects and the specifics of Lithuanian alphabet. Finally, everyone had a possibility to learn and practice the most common Lithuanian words and phrases (“hallo”, “I'm staying at…”, “I speak English” etc.).
Report 2
“Look around you – Tour to Vilnius”
clock tower in Vilnius
Tour in Vilnius started at its very heart –
the Cathedral square. Emilija, the guide, presented a number of facts about the architecture and the history of the place.
The tour continued to the Presidential palace, then to the narrowest street of Vilnius. After this everyone saw a masterpiece of Gothic – Saint Ann's Church and then the Bernadines' Church.
inside a cathedral in Vilnius
The participants found out some interesting facts about different kinds of amber at a small amber museum and then concluded their tour watching an old city hall. At this point the group photos were made and traditional Lithuanian kitchens plates wrapped up the day.