Teaching Culture!
Events > Project week in Lithuania > Travelogue
9:00 European Bazaar : Presented by: Mara, University of Latvia; Arancha and Carmen
University of Leon; Malin, University of Umea. Video shown by Arancha and Carmen displayed the teaching of “culture in small case letters“. Mara`s PPT presentation had to be postponed due to time constraints.
9: 50 Interlude: Alexandra informs about preparations for Module#3. Three groups.
10:00 You` re not on your own : Bea and Vera moderate activity aroud group dynamics and different phases of their development. Reflection on groups we belong to and their up and down sides.
11:50 Coffeebreak : the temperature and humidity in the room begin to reach tropical levels. There`s talk of continuing the proceeds in shorts or underwear. I like the idea for logical reasons.
12:00 YNOYO resumed: Group discussion around the topic of taking part in TC.
Questions to consider:
1. How did the virtual phase of the project affect our group dynamics and
2. Teacher`s role in the classroom and dealing with “difficult“ students.
Caricature: the classroom as a zoo. The monkey and the giraffe.
1:00 Lunch Theo`s camera begins to melt as the temperature in the room takes flight.
The evening
What an amazing evening
The project partners arrived at the Grisgiskes culturas centras at 7 p.m. The institution is situated about 15 km from Vilnius and is the cultural centre of a district with a very mixed population of 12.000 inhabitants. The building was not that attractive at the first glance and we were astonished to find a huge entrance hall and an unexpected theatre with a huge stage and tremendous red curtains.