The pilot course starts December 13
(date has changed from 6th tho 13th) with:
Module 1, "Introducing Culture". Module 1 contains
five units and ends 18th May 2005. The units are:
Introductory Tasks, My culture your culture, Iceberg
and pyramids, Communication across cultures, Ethics.
Module 2, "Experiencing Culture" starts 16th May 05
contains three units:
ICC and the new media, Adult didactics, ICC principles
into practice.
Module 3, "Applying ICC in my classroom" starts
6th June 2005 and contains two units, Planning an ICC module on my classroom, Testing ICC and modules.
The Teaching Culture! pilot course 1 ends in November 2005.
The project uses the platform “Moodle” (open source software) as a web based learning environment, which exceeded the expectations of coordinators concerning its offers on tools and services and its ease of use. [More about moodle in our course] -