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Events > Kick off Pilot Course 1

Kick-off of Pilot course 1 “Teaching Culture! – Approaches to intercultural understanding”

The pilot course started on December 13th with two optional Kick-off-weekend seminars for the TC course-participants shortly before Christmas:

Picture of some chocolate Santa Clause

One Seminar, “Deutsch oder Multi-Kulti? Fortbildung in Kooperation mit dem Hueber-Verlag” took place on Friday, December 10th, at the VHS Rhein-Sieg in Siegburg and was held by one of our project partners, Beate Blüggel.
The other optional weekend seminar, “Managing cultural diversity”, organized by Laurent Borgmann, was held during the weekend, 10th-12th December, at the RheinAhrCampus in Remagen and a number of our project partners, including Alexandra Haas, Vera Colwell, Nicole Slupetzky, Pat Shrimpton and Thomas Berger, were present to give lectures on intercultural communication and awareness of cultural diversity.

More about “Deutsch oder Multi-Kulti” and the “Managing Cultural Diversity” seminar.
