Teaching Culture! - Conference Talks
The Teaching Culture project and its Moodle,
project presentation by Pat Shrimpton and Dot Astrom,
Pedagogical Conference in Umea/Sweden, March 2006
During the Pedagogical Conference in Umea/Sweden, the two project partners Pat Shrimpton and Dot Astrom gave a talk about the Teaching Culture project and its Moodle. More information, please check their publication.
Radiobeitrag zu den Salzburger Gesprächen 2006
Sie Salzburger Gespräche wurden vom österreichischen Radiosender Ö1 als ein Beitrag im Wissenschafts-
magazin "Dimensionen" gesendet.
Die Sendung steht unter
www.vhs.or.at zum Download bereit.
Project presentation "Teaching Culture! – A Teacher Training in Intercultural Awareness" by Alexandra Haas during the "Salzburg talks 2006", 9. - 13. July 2006
During her presentation, she stressed the aspects of co-operative blended learning, working in intercultural groups and "walk as you talk". For more information, please check the following publication using this link.
Project presentation "Teaching Culture! - A Teacher Training in Intercultural Awareness" held by Nicole Slupetzky, Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen, Ideenbörse, 07. Juni 2006
Sie präsentierte "Teaching Culture!" als ein dreijähriges europäisches Projekt mit dreizehn Partnern aus neun europäischen Ländern, das ein Training für Lehrkräfte in der Erwachsenenbildunge entwickelt und das interkulturelle Kommunikation zum Thema des Unterrichts macht. Im Projekt lernen die Lehrkräfte in internationalen Gruppen und können so ihre eigenen Erfahrungen in die Unterrichtsmodule einbringen, die sie für die Teilnehmenden entwerfen. Außerdem werden innovative Konzepte entwickelt, die lernerzentriert und interaktiv die Autonomie der Lernenden unterstützen.
"Teaching Culture!-Interkulturelles Lernen als Herausforderung für die Zukunft. Werte und Glaubenssätze", workshop held by Nicole Slupetzky in cooperation with Hueber-Verlag, Volkshochschule München, 12. Mai 2006
Im zwischenmenschlichen Verhalten wird jeder Mensch von seinen eigenen Wertvorstellungen geleitet. Im interkulturellen Kontext mischen sich aber oft noch Glaubenssätze und Stereotypen dazu, die auch unseren Unterricht und das Verhalten TeilnehmerInnen gegenüber beeinflussen. Gerade im Sprachenunterricht – nicht nur bei DAF – hat man TeilnehmerInnen aus mehreren Nationalitäten und Kulturen, denen man oftmals unterschiedlich begegnet. Machen wir uns gemeinsam mit praktischen Übungen auf die Suche nach unseren Wertvorstellungen.
Sprachen-Expo at Bremerhaven, Germany
On 11th February, 2006, Alexandra Haas and Beate Blueggel presented "Teaching Culture" at the "Sprachen-Expo" at Bremerhaven.
This conference with more than 300 participants, most of them teachers from German adult education centres ("Volkshochschulen"), gave insights into many aspects of language teaching and learning. |
Teaching Culture! A multi-national blended course for teachers of adults in Europe
presentation at the "WiAOC 2005: Webheads in Action Online Convergence" online conference,
18 November 2005
Is it possible to train inter-cultural competences in a blended learning course? The presenters will explain some of the challenges in building a course for an international group of participants who worked mainly online. They then met for a weeks intensive group work in Vilnius, Lithuania and this prepared them for the third and final part of the course which was to work in international groups devising and trying out different inter-cultural lessons.
TEA Conference "Vienna Connexion" 21. bis 23. Oktober 2005
Teaching Culture! - the importance of values and believes T his workshop will introduce the project
"Teaching Culture!" and will point out how important it is to be aware of ones own beliefs and values.
The project "Teaching Culture!" - funded by the European Union - is on teaching intercultural awareness while looking at different cultures of teaching and learning. It is concerned with the development and application of innovative didactical and methodology approaches.
Our participants - in the pilot course only language teachers - have the chance to improve their skills in intercultural awareness and competence to professionalize adult education in a multicultural Europe. In this workshop you will get the chance to find out about the importance of intercultural beliefs and values. In an intercultural exercise on values you will see the importance of increasing the awareness of cultural issues that are an integral part of hte relationship between those who are culturally different.
The talk was done by
Nicole Slupetzky from the Volkshochschule Salzburg, our Austrian project partner.
Project presentation TC! during a talk on quality issues at the German Institute for standardization 2005 by Thomas Berger
During a conference on E-learning, Thomas Berger gave a talk on Teaching Culture! from an e-learning and Quality Management perspective where he described first experiences in the practical use of the PAS 1032-1 as part of the quality assurance work within this European Project:
The PAS 1032-1 provides a comprehensive reference framework for the quality assurance in E-learning development projects. Used as a "checklist", it facilitates the documentation of all relevant aspects in the framework of quality assurance for summative and formative evaluation. This provides an ideal basis for later certification of E-Learning courses. However the experiences gained in the European Project "Teaching Culture!" indicate that suitable documentation tools are needed to make the PAS 1032-1 applicable to its target audience. Furthermore the current edition still requires some work of editing to make the PAS 1032-1 easier to read and to apply by the actors in projects such as "Teaching Culture!".
Project Presentation "Teaching-culture! Approaches to intercultural understanding"
During the IV International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-4) Santiago de Compostela, 20-23 September 2005
This paper presents an ongoing, three-year Grundvig 1 project funded by the EU which focuses on teaching intercultural awareness while also looking at different cultures of teaching and learning. The project, ‘Teaching Culture!’, is developing a training course which aims at enabling teachers in adult education to deal with intercultural issues appropriate to life in the growing European community. In the project thirteen partners from nine European countries share their expertise in fields ranging from adult education and teacher training to online learning and cultural education. Working in an international network, the teachers are part of an intercultural learning situation and thus bring in their own experience in developing and testing teacher training modules in intercultural awareness with their own adult learners.
Project presentation "Teaching Culture! - a Grundtvig 1 EU project"
during the TESOL-Spain Conference "Cultures, Communities and Classrooms - Diversity in English Language Education" in Sevilla,
11-13 March 2005
The TESOL-Spain-Conference in Sevilla dealt with the theme "Cultures, Communities and Classrooms - Diversity in English Language Education":
for effective communication, language learners from diverse cultural backgrounds need to develop their intercultural awareness and communications skills.
This topic was chosen to encourage presentations which provide a forum for discussion on the changing world of ELT.
One of these talks was given by
Vera Colwell about "Teaching Culture!" as an ongoing Grundtvig 1 project involving 13 European partners which develops in-service teacher training course for teachers of adults.
In this project, the teachers themselves are part of an intercultural, co-operative and blended learning situation and thus bring in their own in developing and testing teacher training modules in intercultural awareness with their adult learners.
The conference called "Language as Identity" was held in Ryga (Latvia) on 14 -17 May 2004
The 10th Anniversary international conference "Language as Identity" was organized by the Public Service Language Centre in Riga.
Conference aimed at enhancing minority national language studies and their role in global Europe as well as promoting foreign language learning in EU language context.
The conference started with a speech by Ms Silvija Karklina, PSLC Director, Mr Eckart Herold, Ambassador of Germany in Latvia, Mr Michael Foucher, Ambassador of France in Latvia and other guests.
The Plenaries gave insight into the current situation in language learning and teaching as well as language policies in Latvia and other parts of the world. The heated Panel Discussion demonstrated the deep interest in the raised issues shared by all the participants of the event. The five sections of the conference dealt with the following topics:
English Language Teaching and Learning, Learner Autonomy; Socio-Linguistic Issues and Cross Cultural Issues; the Latvian Language; the German Language; the French Language.
The speakers shared their experience and concerns as to the role of linguists in promoting foreign languages and cross-cultural ties, in developing learner autonomy, motivation and intercultural communication.
The hosts of the conference offered an exciting social programme, thus giving a chance of making useful professional contacts.
Read the whole article from the conference as .pdf file .
Project presentation Teaching Culture! by Alexandra Haas at the International Conference for Adult Education “Salzburger Gespräche 2004”
The topic of the “Salzburg talks 2004” was “ Doing the right things in the right way - professionalism in Adult Education” . 50 international participants discussed how to create optimal general conditions for learning in Adult Education, how to work efficiently in Adult Education centers and how to learn from economic institutions.
In the course of this Conference, Alexandra presented the concept of the teacher training course, the international cooperation with the project partners from many European countries and the importance of Quality Assurance within the project.
Project presentation Teaching Culture! by Alexandra Haas and Mechthild Tillmann at the International Conference for Adult Education “Salzburger Gespräche 2003”
In 2003, the topic of the "Salzburg talks" was "A curriculum for tomorrow - what we have to know and learn for the future". In their talk "Teaching Culture! - the culture of the other", Mechthild Tillmann and Alexandra Haas stressed the importance of intercultural competences in a growing Europe.
Alexandra presented the project Teaching Culture! and the concept of a teacher training in intercultural competence for trainers in European Adult Education.