Teaching Culture!
Events > IATEFL Conference
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Teacher Education: Cultures and Contexts
IATEFL TTEd SIG-Conference in Cologne, 18-20 June 2004
Klick for some information about the programme and the speakers
Programmes of Teacher Education are situated within particular cultural contexts
and need to reflect local needs.
At the same time, it is usually through the programmes of teacher education that teachers become acculturated to the world of teaching. And of course, intercultural competence needs to be high on the agenda of any teacher education programme.
This conference sought to explore these and other aspects of culture in the world of teacher education.
Among the large number of speakers, there were several of our project partners who presented Teaching Culture!, talked about topics related to Intercultural Communication and spoke about their experiences (Anne, Laurent, Beate, Nicky, Gavin, Alexandra and, as external associate, James Chamberlain).
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