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Events > IATEFL Conference

Extraordinary meeting and project event IATEFL TTEd SIG-Conference in Cologne
The Conference took place from 18th - 20th June 2004.


Timetable of the meeting befor the conference has been started

This extraordinary project meeting took place prior to the IATEFL SIG Conference coorganized by “Teaching Culture!” at the VHS Cologne, Germany. Nicky Hockly and Gavin Dudeney from Consultants-E, who are responsible for the external evaluation of the Teaching Culture!-project, presented and explained their external evaluation plans.
Moreover, Thomas gave a “state of the art” -report of the Work package “Quality Management” and explained the plans. Later, the project partners worked in small groups on Quality Management issues or on a questionnaire for the participants of the first test run of the teacher training.
Alexandra and Simone took the chance to discuss project matters with the new partner Nicole Slupetzky from the VHS Salzburg

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