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Moodle FAQ's

Frequently asked questions

Moodle and email

Moodle and email
  1. How will I receive the course emails? Individually or in a digest?
  2. How do I send an email to everybody?
  3. Is it possible to send a personal mail through the Moodle?
  4. Do I have to answer all emails which are sent out through the Moodle?

1. How will I receive the course emails? Individually or in a digest?

By default you will receive the course emails individually but you can activate a daily e-mail digest instead. When you are logged in, click your name at the top right hand corner and then ‘Subjects' in the email digest type dialogue box. Moodle will send you a daily e-mail only with the subjects of the forum entries.

Change digest Type to Complete or Subjects and you will receive daily posts

2. How do I send an email to everybody?

The best way is to use a forum where "everyone is subscribed"
(this is visible at the top of that page as you can see below), and then post a message there.

Note in the right top corner of the forum shows you that Everyone ist subscribed to this forum

3. Is it possible to send a personal mail through the Moodle?

If you want to send a personal mail, click on the photo of the person who wrote the posting you want to refer to. Then the personal email-address of this person appears and you can send him or her a personal email.

4. Do I have to answer all emails which are sent out through the Moodle?

When “Intercultural Journey” is written in the reference line of a mail, this is a posting to a forum which is sent out to all subscribed persons. Usually, it is up to you if you want to comment. If the message is a task from a moderator and you have to answer, the message will explicitly say so. It is up to you to answer or not except if it is a task.

