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Events > Project Meeting in Brighton

Projekt Meeting in Brighton, 23.09.-26.09.2004

This project meeting, which took place in Brighton (23-26 September 2004), was organized by our project partner, Lili Wilson, from the University of Brighton.

Timetable of the meeting:

Timetable of the project, klick to enlarge
(Klick to enlarge the timetable )

In the morning, all project partners took part in plenary sessions where we discussed topics like Project Management, Quality Management, Curriculum and Course Design etc.; in the afternoon, we worked in
small work groups on Assessment Levels, the CD-Rom, the Portfolio for the course participants, the Course flyer and the Conference Reader CD-Rom “Cultures and Contexts”.

Meeting Nicole, Pat, Alexandra

As the picture below shows, the outcomes of this project meeting were, as usual, enormous and all the partners agreed that it was a really effective and productive project meeting.

Andrea and Thomas
